Jurij Smakov schrieb:
On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 11:22:19AM +0100, Guido Draheim wrote:
There is no redesign required - this problem can only occur on non-x86 
little-endian platforms.

You did not tell about that detail but I can guess it from the result. In 
fetch.h there is
#define zzip_file_header_get_crc32(__p)      ZZIP_GET32((__p)->z_crc32)
and that ZZIP_GET32 can be defined in a way that it would fetch each byte seperately. This is already done on a lot of platforms - the definition is dependent on ZZIP_WORDS_BIGENDIAN and covers acrchitectures like SPARC which have aligned word access as well. However, SPARC is big-endian as have been all the other test platforms in the lab. So, what's your target platform currently? If I am guessing right then would need to redefine the #ifdefs and configure detections in such a way that it would enable a bytewise access macro on a litte-endian platform right there in fetch.h

Sparc is big-endian, but that's not what causes a problem here (even though it would be nice to check that endianness is detected correctly for sparc). Let's say that the macro which will get used is this one:

# define ZZIP_GET32(__p)         bswap_32(*(uint32_t*)(__p))

This will only work on sparc if the address __p is word-aligned (divisible by 4). Compiler is likely to generate a single load-word
instruction for that, and if __p is not word-aligned, then the process
will get a SIGBUS. Normally, it happens automatically, i.e. if you define an int (of size 4) field inside a struct, then compiler will take care of allocating memory for it in such a way that it is word-aligned. However, since the structures in format.h are defined mostly using arrays of zzip_byte_t, there is no way the compiler can guess which of them should be aligned, so it places them arbitrarily.
Thus, attempt to cast the value to uint32_t fails.

Best regards,

Hi Jurij,

checking into the codebase I find that there is already a configure time
check for ZZIP_HAVE_ALIGNED_ACCESS_REQUIRED - is that being enabled in the
generated $build/zzip/_config ?

I would like to disable the Linux bswap optimization in that case (so it is
left enabled for all other Linux platforms that allow misaligned access).

I am going to commit a change that looks for that additional configure
value anyway. I hope this fixes the problem.

cheers, Guido

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