On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 01:40:11AM +0800, Eugene Konev wrote:
> After experimenting with different kinds of slapd database corrution on
> 2.2.23 I've found out that this behavior is hapenning then db
> environment files (/var/lib/ldap/__db.00[1-5]) are missing or severely
> corrupted. 
> ltracing slapd shows that it stucks in dbenv_open, so it's problem in
> berkeley db, not slapd itself. 
> Most times (when logs were not severely corrupted as far as I can say)
> it was possible to recover situation by running db4.2_recover. So I'd
> also suggest adding call to db4.2_recover somewhere in the init-script.

Looks like we should do that after bazillions of people requested it.
Any suggestions how to implement this correctly?



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