On Saturday 13 October 2007 11:09:45 Nico Golde wrote:
> Hi,
> I really don't want to piss you off but see this fixed.
> What is the current status.
> It should not need 3 weeks to prepare a new upload should
> it? If some sponsoring is needed feel free to ping me.
I pinged Ervin a few times, but haven't heard back since the first time.

I'm CCing all his e-mail address's that I know, in case the one I've been 
using isn't working for some reason. Ervin, are you still working on this?

Also, I looked into packaging the new upstream version, but it's not 
completely trivial because the build system changed, as well as the 
database dependencies (so it would be a chance in number/type of binary 
packages if done right).

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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