Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (30/09/2007):
> > I'd also advise to use “-module -avoid-version” to build plugins, no
> > need to have .0.0.0 things for them, but please fix that bug first.
> Why shouldn't there be a versioning for the modules? If libraries are
> in a separate package (as they should be) versioninig might be
> appropiate.

It is very common to have plugins built from the same source package and
to not version them, which upstream usually doesn't know about. Reading
the libtool (and more generally autoconf and automake) manual(s) helps.

> > An NMU might happen before monday since there's an ongoing BSP.
> And where's the patch?

“Put the .so in the appropriate package”, do you really expect more? You
might have wanted to remove the “help” tag instead, since you've now got
the hint you were looking for, haven't you?

Cyril Brulebois

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