severity 429858 normal
tag 429858 + unreproducible moreinfo

On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 11:30:13PM +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Package: usbview
> Version: 1.0-7
> Severity: grave

Please file bugs with realistic severities.

> In the bottom are 4 buttons. No text is displayed on them. If I press the
> last button (right most), it exists. Without the text on the buttons, the
> package is mostly unusable.

I'm not sure quite what you're expecting the program to do.  Even if
this problem were present the impact on the program is minimal - the
primary functionality of the program is the device tree and you report
that it is displayed.  With the exception of the about button they are
basically redundant.

As it is I can't reproduce this problem.  Please provide information
about the system that you are running the program on such as that
generated by reportbug - for example, by using reportbug to generate a
followup for this report.

"You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever."

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