On Thu, 2005-04-21 at 12:55 +0100, Carlos Rodrigues wrote:
> Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> > retitle 175604 cxx's "compaq" mangling style not supported by binutils
> > severity 175604 grave
> > thanks
> > 
> > At some point in the past two years, binutils has stopped supporting the
> > "compaq" C++ name mangling style.  Therefore, cxx cannot be installed,
> > and cannot function once installed; this applies to currently
> > in testing and my attempt to update to
> > 
> > Does anyone know how this might be fixed?  I guess an approach is to get
> > an old binutils which worked and try to generate a patch, but I've no
> > idea what's involved there...
> I don't know if there is something to fix. If GCC's C++ mangling 
> changed, it changed for a reason (not accidentally). This means that 
> CXX's days may be over.

Oh.  The error message made me think that "compaq" might be one of many
mangling styles supported, but it seems not.  Oh well, RIP CXX. :-(

The good news: the CCC .deb now works again (in unstable, will be in
testing by the end of next week).

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