
From: Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bug#299762: jadetex: Does not preserve user changes upon upgrade
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 05:37:56 -0800
> This means that if /etc/texmf/fmt.d/40jadetex.cnf has been removed, which is
> a valid state for a conffile to be in, upgrades of the package will fail.
> Is this the desired behavior?  If not, should this "elif" also be removed
> from the script, or should 40jadetex.cnf be restored IFF it's missing (in
> which case, it should not be a conffile)?

  I think this is not desired, right?  I should remove this
'elif' section.


  OHURA Makoto: [EMAIL PROTECTED](Debian Project)
                [EMAIL PROTECTED](LILO/Netfort)
  GnuPG public key: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~ohura/gpg.asc.txt
        fingerprint: 54F6 D1B1 2EE1 81CD 65E3  A1D3 EEA2 EFA2 77DC E083

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