Hi all,

   Is this bug being investigated?

   It seems that the problem is libopenh323-dev no longer providing
speexcodec.h because of upstream changes starting at version 14, I think (in
particular, see the remove comment of speexcodec.h and others at

   AFAIK, the problem is fixed in the CVS version uploaded to experimental by
José Carlos, and the changes between openam-1.1.18 and openam-1.1.18+20041007
are very small (probably the minimum necessary for the compilation to work

   So, why don't you upload it to unstable and close this bug? Any reason?

   Best regards,

Esteban Manchado Velázquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.foton.es
EuropeSwPatentFree - http://EuropeSwPatentFree.hispalinux.es

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