Thought I should note that the addition of "pcie_aspm=off" to my command line has not cured my link problems, but it has changed the behavior of the problems. It is now more likely to recover on its own without me reloading the driver and when I do reload the driver, it is far more likely to "fix" the problem for a while on the first or second try (in the past I often reloaded the driver six or more times to get it working again)

It also appears to be far more likely for the link to fail right when I begin using it. This is a strange behavior where if I haven't been doing anything on the web and then attempt to use the web browser, the link fails at that point in time. I leave a one second ping to my server running most of the time and usually have my email program open which maintains an imap connection to the server. When I access the web browser and don't get a response from the web, a quick check shows the ping has stopped receiving responses, but that the email program has not detected a timeout on its link (which I believe takes 15 seconds of down time). The implication is that web access from a relatively inactive state (just the ping and idle imap connection) actually kills the link for some reason.


Shannon C. Dealy      |               DeaTech Research Inc.     |          - Custom Software Development -
Phone: (800) 467-5820 |          - Natural Building Instruction -
   or: (541) 929-4089 |        

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