Ansgar Burchardt wrote:

>> The source for upx itself is provided on the upstream website (and
>> upx-ucl package is built from it), source for NRV is not available.

The source for upx is distributed in upx-ucl source package, isn't this

> Sure, but nobody else can redistribute the resulting binaries unless
> they do get special permission (the GPL doesn't allow this, see above).


        All Rights Reserved. This program may be used freely, and you
        are welcome to redistribute and/or modify it under certain

Also I've just found a mail from Mar 23th, 2011 from upx upstream author
(it was also CC'ed to, its message-id is


        upx-nrv is in Debian more than 10 years, and we had dozens of
        mails with the  maintainers discussing all the legal
        implications back in 2000.

        I have no idea where all this info and our conclusions are
        available/archived, though.

        Markus shows that
there were some discussions regarding upx licensing in the past. It
seems however all of them refer to the ucl version. I cannot find any
clues if the conclusions are applicable to the nrv version or not, but
there is one thing I'm pretty sure - the upx license hasn't changed at
all since upx-nrv was allowed into Debian 12 years ago. I cannot
understand why we still have issue with it, and moreover I have no idea
how to solve the issue once and forever.


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