reopen 655639
On 2012-01-12 20:42, David Prévot wrote:
[ debian-publicity folks CC since the award page [0] is mostly their
playground ]
Le 12/01/2012 20:17, Victor Nitu a écrit :
On 01/12/2012 11:44 PM, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
I suggest to replace the link to Linux New Media's website with one
pointing to that. But note that I find it far from obvious that the
images are links.
Thanks for noticing.
I attached a patch
Thanks for taking the time to try and address this issue.
--- english/misc/awards.wml 8 Aug 2011 10:15:52 -0000 1.28
+++ english/misc/awards.wml 12 Jan 2012 23:53:22 -0000
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
at the<a href="$(HOME)/News/2011/20110304">Linux New Media Awards
-<a href=""><img src="lnm_award_2011.png"
alt="Linux New media Award 2011"></a>
Looking at the rest of the page, the images seems to always link to the
official website of the organisation who delivered the award
(eventually a page mentioning the award). Thus, pointing on another
website doesn't look like a good idea at first sight.
Please note that the initial bug report makes little sense to me, but
if this is is the only issue pointed in the bunch of initial words, I'd
be inclined to close the bug report without any further notice since
it's a non-issue (unless of course an accurate link in the Linux New
Media website could be provided instead).
The possible inavailability of a page about the awards in the corporate
Linux New Media website does not make this less of an issue.
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