On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 11:03:17PM +0000, peter green wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been working with upstream on addressing both of these issues, and I
>> am hopeful that the 4.2.4 release, which is due in the next couple of
>> months, to address these issues. I'm waiting to see how much better that
>> release looks.
> Speaking both as someone trying to get the armhf port into shape and  
> more generally
> we would really like to get the rc bugs fixed sooner than "the next  
> couple of months".

See my other email. Turns out I was grossly generalising, and they're
targeting around the end of the month.

> Especially as 4.1.1-P1-17 (in testing) has a FTBFS bug on all  
> architectures so we
> can't do a binnmu in testing.
> I have prepared a NMU to fix the rc bugs in isc-dhcp-client by the most  
> direct
> approaches and was in the processor of discussing it's sponsorship to  
> delayed/5
> with Hector Oron (i'm not a dd yet) when I received your mail.
> I appreciate the work I have put into this NMU will be thrown away when the
> ultimate soloution of eliminating the embedded code copy is implemented
> but I still thing the NMU is worth doing  so we can get armhf teting  
> into shape
> sooner rather than later.
> The package I'm in the process of trying to get NMU'd is at
> http://mentors.debian.net/package/isc-dhcp
> Please tell me if you are happy with the NMU so I can upload it promptly.
> Alternatively if you have problems with the NMU then please point them
> out to me so I can prepare a fixed NMU.

How about you just send me a patch against what's in the Git repository (at
head)? I've got an unreleased 4.2.2-3 in there that I've been working on.

> Until/unless I get a response I plan to go through with the plan of a  NMU
> to delayed/5.

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