Thanks for the quick reply, Jonathan.

> Is this a regression?

Not really (the machine is new). I tried older debian 5.09 and 6.03 live cds. 
With 6.03 suspending from a session worked under some conditions (lid) but not 
all (menu).

> Does suspend-to-disk
> (triggered with
>       echo disk >/sys/power/state

This doesn't work.

> ) work?  If you have time to follow the instructions from
> basic-pm-debugging.txt[1] to narrow down the cause, that would be very
> useful.

Thanks for the pointer! For some reason I didn't find it while searching 
around (we beginners don't know to search for "pm-" instead of "suspend"). 
Maybe a link could be added on the debian wiki at ? The "shutdown" method described in the 
document seems to work. But it is a bit clunky and it wasn't immediately 
obvious how to set this option permanently or whether it even applies to 
suspend to RAM (more for the wiki...)

In the meantime I found the following site

and shamelessly copy-pasted the suggested script. It works pretty well - the 
only obvious problem at the moment is that waking from sleep requires a press 
of the power button (lid-opening doesn't suffice). But at least there is no 
freeze with data loss and reboot. Huge progress.

The working "shutdown" method suggests a bios issue and the copied script 
indicates a usb problem. Follow up might therefore look at the usb settings in 
the bios and investigate a bios upgrade (the changelog mumbles something about 

The comments on the web site suggest that the solution has helped a lot of 
people and with different machines.

Thanks and best wishes,


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