Hi Jacob:

* Scott Howard <show...@debian.org>, 2012-02-04, 15:37:
>+scidavis (0.2.4-3.1) unstable; urgency=high
>+  * Non-maintainer upload.
>+  * Added --parallel flag to dh in debian/rules

>This is not appropriate for an NMU.

This and the other changes that are not normally good for NMU is
because I was overstepping my bounds a bit since I have a prior
relationship with the maintainer (we co-maintain librecad and qcad). I
know his been busy and a little bit out of it, so I thought I could do
him a favor for now. I'll happy to shrink it down to the minimum for
now and work with to do a non-NMU for the rest of this stuff later.

>+  * use dh_python2 since python-support is deprecated (cleaning up
>+    lintian error)

>This is not appropriate for an NMU.

For now I have no problem shrinking it down and taking care of the
rest at a later time. Would adding a dependency on python-support (to
fix the lintian error) be appropriate in this NMU or should I stick to
just RC bugs?

>--- scidavis-0.2.4/debian/patches/lib65.diff    1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 
>+++ scidavis-0.2.4/debian/patches/lib65.diff    2012-02-04 15:31:39.000000000 


>@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
>+Description: Don't install modules to /usr/lib

>Huh. I hope this is just a typo in the description. The bug report asked
for something quite opposite.

typo, it's actually in /usr/lib, changed from /usr/lib64

>Also, would you care to justify such short delay[0] and urgency=high?

Fixing two RC bugs that are older than 7 days, thus the short delay
and high urgency. from devref ยง5.11.1 and [1]
[1] http://upsilon.cc/~zack/hacking/debian/rcbw/

I'll cancel the deferred upload and do another one now that is just
the RC bugs and tell Reuben about the other stuff later.

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