On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 04:15:24PM +0100, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:

> > I've just updated libgpg-error in Ubuntu from the version in Debian testing,
> > and noticed that the -dev package still has a libtool .la file in it.  As
> > explained at <http://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/LAFileRemoval>, it would
> > be best to remove this file from the package altogether:

> Actually I reintroduced .la file because of bug #653693. I have to
> admit that I don't know what is Florian's usercase, but it seemed to
> me a valid point to have a .la file in a so tiny library as
> libgpg-error to make people compiling static things a bit easier.

> Anyway, I am open to discuss it and remove the file again if we agree that.

Bug #653693 is about the static library - the .a file.  I'm concerned here
with the libtool metadata, the .la file, which has no relevance here (or to
bug #653693).

If libgpg-error had dependencies on other libraries, and these libraries
were declared in the dependency_libs field, the .la file would actually
benefit static linking.  But Debian has decided as a project not to support
this use of .la files due to the negative side-effects on the common case of
dynamic linking, so the .la file should go away anyway.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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