reassign 651900 libdrm-intel1
forcemerge 651316 651900

On 13.12.2011 00:18, Javier Barroso wrote:
> package: gnome-core
> version: 1:3.0+6
> Severity: normal
> Hi,
> When I try to see a video (or to see a v4l2 device) with vlc, X will
> restart and my gnome session is out. (with mplayer or cheese it works ok)
> Inside awesome wm I can use vlc and not crash is produced (that is why I
> don't open this bug against vlc)
> I'm attaching my .xsession-errors and Xorg.0.log (but Xorg.0.log doesn't
> show any error).
> I did
> $ echo "I'm going to start vlc" >> .xsession # just before launching vlc
> Please reassign this bug where it should be.
> Thank you very much
> PD: How could I start a gnome session from classic shell . doesn't work
> "fine" with "startx gnome-session -- :1 # unable to open a terminal" and
> not with "startx gnome-shell -- :1 # well it locked (crashed) my computer
> (maybe bad luck?)" ?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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