>>>>> "AG" == Alessandro Ghedini <al3x...@gmail.com> writes:
AG> I can reproduce your problem if I set the PERL5LIB env variable to nothing.
(or unset)
AG> To get the version check you should set PERL5LIB to whatever folder
AG> cpanminus installs to, so that the require function knows where to find the
AG> modules that cpanm needs to test...
I just thought "If it is smart enough to know where to install them, then
it should be smart enough to know where to check them".
OK, you should probably add a note... Thanks.
Anyway, maybe doing
$ cpanm ...
should immediately set its internal PERL5LIB to the default if it doesn't find 
set, that way sub-programs that it calls would work as expected.

AG> $ 

AG> But this is not a bug in cpanminus, it's just how perl and local::lib work,
AG> see "perldoc perlrun" and "perldoc local::lib" for more information (yes,
AG> probably a little note in the cpanm docs would be of some help too).

AG> Let me know if this works or if you already do/have done this and cpanm
AG> still doesn't work so that I try to think something else or just report this
AG> upstream.

AG> Cheers

AG> -- 
AG> perl -E'$_=q;$/= @{[@_]};and s;\S+;<inidehG ordnasselA>;eg;say~~reverse'

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