Christian PERRIER wrote:
>  Template: ngircd/broken-oldconfig
>  Type: text

(Agreed that this should be Type: error; it isn't in the original
Debconf Spec, but see DevRef

> +_Description: Configuration conversion failure
> + The current configuration file contains errors and cannot
> + be converted. 
> + .
> + You should check the configuration file by running
> + "ngircd --configtest", fix errors and run "dpkg-reconfigure ngircd"
> + to retry the conversion process.

Tweak the punctuation to match d-l-e House Style, and while I'm
editing that line, make the English a bit less telegraphic:
                           fix any errors,

>  Template: ngircd/conversion-fail
>  Type: text

If anything's a Type: error, it's a situation bad enough to require a
bug report.

> +#flag:translate!:5
> +_Description: Converted configuration file error
> + The converted configuration failed checks after conversion failed.

Hang on, "Verification after conversion failed" doesn't mean that
"conversion failed"; it means conversion seemed to succeed and
generated a config, but then validation of that file subsequently
failed.  Say:

    The converted configuration failed validation checks.

> + .
> + This should not happen and should therefore be reported as a bug.
> + Please include the configuration file in the bug report with
> + passwords removed.
> + .
> + The following difference file may help tracking this issue:
> + .
> +  ${DIFF}

Is this where "once wheezy is frozen" comes into it?  Requesting a
report makes sense for now, but once Wheezy gets frozen it's
potentially a problem - it could mean lots of duplicate bug reports 
asking for a fix that's not important enough to justify a stable
update, and useless afterwards.
> -Description: Next generation IRC Server
> +Description: yet another IRC Server
> "next generation" will sound weird in 10 years..:-)

It sounded a bit ridiculous to me by the mid-nineties (when "Star
Trek: The Next Generation" was old hat), and that's before ngIRCd
existed; but I would nonetheless vote for using the phrase as an
explicit "explain the name" synopsis:

   Description: next generation IRC daemon

> + The ngircd daemon is an IRC server for small or private networks. It does
> + provide advanced features such as services. It is written from
> + scratch and is not based upon the original IRCd.

"The ngircd daemon" avoids leading lowercase, but at the cost of a
minor outbreak of PIN-numberism.

Whoops!  Missing "not" at the end of the first line.  And once you
fix that and take away the implication that code reuse is bad, this
description doesn't mention any advantages of using ngIRCd rather than
any of its rivals.  Import some advertising copy from the home page:

    This package provides an Internet Relat Chat server for small or private
    networks. It does not provide advanced features such as services, but it
    is simple to configure and can cope with dynamic IP addresses. It is
    written from scratch and not based on the original IRCd.

(I didn't know what "services" meant, but my first guess was things
like NickServ, and that turns out to be right, so fair enough.)
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
Source: ngircd
Section: net
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian IRC Team <>
Uploaders: Mario Iseli <>, Matt Arnold <>,
    Christoph Biedl <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~),
Vcs-Svn: svn://
Standards-Version: 3.9.2

Package: ngircd
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends},
    lsb-base (>= 3.0-6),
Replaces: ircd
Conflicts: dancer-ircd, ircd-hybrid, ircd-irc2, ircd-ircu, rageircd
Description: next generation IRC daemon
 This package provides an Internet Relay Chat server for small or private
 networks. It does not provide advanced features such as services, but it
 is simple to configure and can cope with dynamic IP addresses. It is
 written from scratch and not based on the original IRCd.
Template: ngircd/conversion-do
Type: boolean
_Description: Convert ngIRCd configuration?
 In version 18, the ngIRCd configuration file format has changed.
 You can choose to update the existing configuration or leave
 it unmodified. The former configuration file format is still

Template: ngircd/broken-oldconfig
Type: text
_Description: Configuration conversion failure
 The current configuration file contains errors and cannot
 be converted. 
 You should check the configuration file by running
 "ngircd --configtest", fix any errors, and run "dpkg-reconfigure ngircd"
 to retry the conversion process.

Template: ngircd/conversion-fail
Type: text
_Description: Converted configuration file error
 The converted configuration failed validation checks.
 This should not happen and should therefore be reported as a bug.
 Please include the configuration file in the bug report with
 passwords removed.
 The following difference file may help tracking this issue:
diff -ru old/control new/control
--- old/control 2011-11-10 08:47:24.289158884 +0000
+++ new/control 2011-11-18 09:52:18.595176025 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
 Replaces: ircd
 Conflicts: dancer-ircd, ircd-hybrid, ircd-irc2, ircd-ircu, rageircd
-Description: Next generation IRC Server
- ngircd is a IRC Daemon for small or private networks. It does not contain all
- the functions like the professional ones, e.g services. It is written from
- scratch and is not based upon the original IRCd like many others.
+Description: next generation IRC daemon
+ This package provides an Internet Relay Chat server for small or private
+ networks. It does not provide advanced features such as services, but it
+ is simple to configure and can cope with dynamic IP addresses. It is
+ written from scratch and not based on the original IRCd.
diff -ru old/ngircd.templates new/ngircd.templates
--- old/ngircd.templates        2011-11-10 08:47:22.213158298 +0000
+++ new/ngircd.templates        2011-11-18 09:50:48.727175747 +0000
@@ -2,22 +2,31 @@
 Type: boolean
 _Description: Convert ngIRCd configuration?
  In version 18, the ngIRCd configuration file format has changed.
- You can choose to have your configuration re-written.
- Don't worry, the old format is still supported.
+ .
+ You can choose to update the existing configuration or leave
+ it unmodified. The former configuration file format is still
+ supported.
 Template: ngircd/broken-oldconfig
 Type: text
-_Description: Cannot convert configuration
- The present configuration file contains errors and cannot
- be converted. Please check manually using
-    ngircd --configtest
- and run 'dpkg-reconfigure ngircd' to try again.
+_Description: Configuration conversion failure
+ The current configuration file contains errors and cannot
+ be converted. 
+ .
+ You should check the configuration file by running
+ "ngircd --configtest", fix any errors, and run "dpkg-reconfigure ngircd"
+ to retry the conversion process.
 Template: ngircd/conversion-fail
 Type: text
-_Description: Error
- Verification after conversion failed. This is a bug, please report it
- in the Debian bug tracker. Please include your configuration but make
- sure all passwords are removed.
- The diff below might give you some help:
-    ${DIFF}
+_Description: Converted configuration file error
+ The converted configuration failed validation checks.
+ .
+ This should not happen and should therefore be reported as a bug.
+ Please include the configuration file in the bug report with
+ passwords removed.
+ .
+ The following difference file may help tracking this issue:
+ .
+  ${DIFF}

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