On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 10:18 +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:

> Now, but up to 0.3.4-3 there was a call to dh_installdefoma.
> So history:
> up to 0.3.4-3:        dh_installdefoma called
> 0.3.4-4: dh_installdefoma call removed, rm_conffile /e/defoma/hints/... 
> called.
> I am not sure now what has do be done? Do we still call something
> to completely clean defoma? Does the call
>       dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile 
> /etc/defoma/hints/cm-super-x11.hints 0.3.4-3 -- "$@"
> suffice for what has to be done?

You also need to run defoma-app purge $PACKAGE in your postinst when
defoma-app is executable and you are upgrading from any version before
the one that runs defoma-app purge on upgrade.



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