Package: mysql-server-core-5.1
Version: 5.1.49-3
When I try to install 'mantis' bug tracker, it get all the
dependencies, but configuration of the database (mySQL) part fails.

To reproduce:1. Install fresh Debian-stable "squeeze" 6.0.3 (I used VM
for this purpose)# apt-get install mantis

Here is the full output of apt-get:

And some screenshots:

I'm not sure which component fails, it could be mySQL Server proper,
or some configuration tool (dbconfig?), as I'm new to databases.
If "mysql" is the wrong package of my troubles, please forward this
bug to proper component.
Please suggest a manual fix, and provide fixed packages for Debian 6.0.4.

I am using Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.3. (only standard Debian components
from "main" and "contrib")--
-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

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