On Sat, 24 Sep 2011 19:18:47 +0200 Francesco Poli (wintermute) wrote:

> Since a recent upgrade (1:3.3.3-4+b1 -> 1:3.4.3-1 , I think), I am
> no longer able to select the font named URW Chancery L in lowriter.

I am still unable to select URW Chancery L in lowriter on my main
desktop box.

However, I used to experience the same bug on another similarly
configured Debian testing box up to November, the 3rd.
Then, I tried again on November, the 10th, and I was able to select the
font in lowriter on this similar box.

I am still unable to select the font on my main desktop box, even after
moving ~/.libreoffice/ away.
I am now able to select the font on the other box, even after moving
~/.libreoffice/ away.
Hence, I thought the significant difference could be in the installed
packages, but I could not spot any relevant difference: which packages
should I check, especially?
What else could be responsible for this different behavior?

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