On 31.10.11 Jean-Michel Philippe (develop...@doudoulinux.org) wrote:


> I installed the latest upstream release of Songwrite
> (http://home.gna.org/oomadness/en/songwrite) to solve language
> issues and, when exporting a Russian song to PDF, texlive is
> failing on the following error message:
Could you provide a minimal TeX input file?

> -----------------
> (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/cyrillic/t2acmr.fd)
> *geometry auto-detecting driver*
> *geometry detected driver: dvips*
> LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T2A/aer/m/n' undefined
> (Font)              using `T2A/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 11.
> -----------------
This is not an error, but a warning, telling you that some fonts were
replaced by others due to non-availability.  If songwrite fails here
it is somewhat broken.

> Investigations on the Internet showed that this is a problem of
> font declaration.  The solution is to edit
> /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/cyrillic/t2acmr.fd then add the
> following lines just before the declaration of the font “cmr” for
> example:
> -----------------
> \DeclareFontFamily{T2A}{aer}{}
> \EC@family{T2A}{aer}{m}{n}{larm}
> -----------------
Hmm, I wouldn't mix the cmr and the aer font.

Further I'm not 100% sure if ae is really still needed in times of
latin modern and cm super. Ralf, are you still on the list? Can you
help here?

sigmentation fault

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