reassign 638076
retitle 638076 RM: bubblemon -- unmaintained, blocking GNOME 3 transition


please remove bubblemon from the archive. It's depending
on libpanel-applet2 which is going away with the switch to GNOME 3.
There has been some small upstream activity a few months ago but it
doesn't show any signs of a GTK 3 / GNOME 3 port.
The last action from the Debian maintainer is from 2010-06-16. This 
bug report has been open since Aug, 2011 with no reply so far.
There is another RC bug which hasn't been unanswered by the Debian
maintainer for even longer, so the package looks pretty much
unmaintained and we don't expect any porting efforts any time soon.
The popcon numbers are rather low.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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