package positron
severity 305773 minor
retitle 305773 positron: does case-sensitive searches on Neuros filesystem under some charsets

Hmm. It seems like this problem only happens when the Neuros is mounted under certain charsets. In particular, when mounted using utf8, which is the default charset when mounting under pmount with a UTF-8 locale, all VFAT operations are case-sensitive, and this problem occurs. Whereas when mounting under iso8859-1, which is the default for mount, all VFAT operations are case-insensitive and everything works fine.

To work around, one can specify the charset for pmount manually using the -c option. Of course, people who use an automounter such as the one in GNOME may not be able to do this if they cannot add command-line options.

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
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