tags 644274 moreinfo thanks Hi there,
On Tue, Oct 04, 2011 at 07:26:29PM +0200, Innocent De Marchi wrote: > # Copyright 2006 Rudy Godoy <r...@kernel-panik.org> > # Copyright 2008 Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org> > # Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Software in the Public Interest Inc. > # This file is distributed under the same license as the openldap package. > # Innocent De Marchi <tangram.pe...@gmail.com>, 2011. All of these are incorrect except the last. (They seem to have been copied from the Spanish .po file.) Please drop them. > #. Type: select > #. Description > #: ../slapd.templates:2002 > msgid "Dump databases to file on upgrade:" > msgstr "Bolcat de les bases de dades a un fitxer en fer l'actualització:" This is a debconf prompt asking whether or not to dump the databases. Wouldn't this be better written as "Bolcar les bases de dades"? > #. Type: select > #. Description > #: ../slapd.templates:2002 > msgid "Before upgrading to a new version of the OpenLDAP server, the data > from your LDAP directories can be dumped into plain text files in the > standard LDAP Data Interchange Format." > msgstr "Abans d'actualitzar a una nova versió del servidor OpenLDAP, les > dades dels seus directoris LDAP poden desar-se a fitxers de text en el format > estàndard d'intercanvi de dades LDAP" "LDAP Data Interchange Format" is a proper name. I would suggest including either this name, or the abbreviation "LDIF", in the translation. > #. Type: string > #. Description > #: ../slapd.templates:3001 > msgid "" > "Please specify the directory where the LDAP databases will be exported. In " > "this directory, several LDIF files will be created which correspond to the " > "search bases located on the server. Make sure you have enough free space on " > "the partition where the directory is located. The first occurrence of the " > "string \"VERSION\" is replaced with the server version you are upgrading " > "from." > msgstr "" > "Seleccionau el directori d'exportació de les bases de dades LDAP. En aquest " > "directori, es generaran diversos fitxers LDIF que es corresponen amb les " > "bases de dades localitzades en el servidor. Comproveu que hi ha espai lliure > " > "suficient a la partició on està ubicat el directori seleccionat. La primer " > "aparició de la cadena «VERSION» serà reemplaçada per la versió del servidor " > "que està actualitzant." There seems to be a mistranslation here; I believe this should say "serà reemplaçada per la versió del servidor de la qual està actualitzant." The current translation seems ambiguous and suggests to me that the *new* version number will be used; this is not the case, it's the *old* version number that's substituted. (The same problem exists with the Spanish translation; I've corrected this in svn.) > #. Type: boolean > #. Description > #: ../slapd.templates:4001 > msgid "There are still files in /var/lib/ldap which will probably break the > configuration process. If you enable this option, the maintainer scripts will > move the old database files out of the way before creating a new database." > msgstr "HI ha fitxers a «/var/lib/ldap» que probablement interrompran el > procés de configuració. Si desactivau aquesta opció, el guió de manteniment > mourà els fitxers de les bases de dades anteriors fora del directori anterior > abans de generar una nova base de dades." HI -> Hi desactivau -> activau > #. Type: boolean > #. Description > #: ../slapd.templates:11001 > msgid "Do you want the database to be removed when slapd is purged?" > msgstr "Desitjau que s'elimini la base de dades en des-instal·lar el paquet > slapd?" "des-instal·lar" is an ambiguous translation of "purge": uninstalling could refer to either removal or purging and this question is specifically about what should happen when the package is purged. Is there a preferred technical translation for "purge"? A search through other debconf templates on my system shows that "purgar" has been used in the past. > msgid "" > "This failure will cause 'slapadd' to fail later as well. The old database " > "files will be moved to /var/backups. If you want to try this upgrade again, " > "you should move the old database files back into place, fix whatever caused " > "slapcat to fail, and run:" > msgstr "" > "Aquest error farà que «slapadd» torni a fallar més endavant. Els fitxers de " > "la base de dades anterior es mouran a «/var/backups». Si desitjau tornar a " > "intentar l'actualització, haureu de tornar a moure els fitxers de la base de > " > "dades anterior a la seva ubicació inicial, solucionar la causa de l'error i " > "tornar a executar." Note the end punctuation on the original. This paragraph is followed by the command to be executed, so I think it's correct to use ":" in Catalan as well? > #. Type: select > #. Description > #: ../slapd.templates:16001 > msgid "The HDB backend is recommended. HDB and BDB use similar storage > formats, but HDB adds support for subtree renames. Both support the same > configuration options." > msgstr "El motor HDB és el recomanat. HDB i BDB fan servir formats > d'emmagatzematge semblants, però HDB permet fer canvis de nom de les > sub-branques. Tots dos tenen les mateixes opcions de configuració." Shouldn't this be "subarbres" instead of "sub-branques"? "subarbres" appears to be the more common technical translation, from what I can see. Thanks, -- Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world. Ubuntu Developer http://www.debian.org/ slanga...@ubuntu.com vor...@debian.org
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