Le ven 16 sep 2005 10:28:33 CEST, Ricardo Mones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:
>   Well, it works here :)
Well,  it doesn't here ;)

> > For exemple, if an email contain this in its headers:
> [...]
>   Could you provide the real source for that mails? Decoded headers
> don't tell much about how the header is really encoded. Feel free to
> replace any sensitive information with xxx or so :) 
Sure, see the attached file.

>   If the email is wrongly encoded I don't see how can Sylpheed Claws
> (or for the case any other non-conscious software) correctly decode it.
> Remember GIGO axiom: Garbage in garbage out ;-) 
Yes, but the problem seems to happen whatever the remote mailer software is: 
yahoo web,
Outlook, IMP, etc.
From my point of view, it really seems to be a problem connected to the locale, 


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