Subject: Re: Bug#643021: [recoll] Forked CLI call does not return (all) hits
Date: Tuesday 28 Elul 5771, 12:26:25
From: "Jean-Francois Dockes"<>
To: David Baron<>,
David Baron writes:
> Package: recoll
> Version: 1.16.0-1
> Severity: important
> --- Please enter the report below this line. ---
> I am running recoll -t from a krunner plugin, i.e. forking it in the
> background. This worked fine while back. However, now (last few versions),
> using the -f (filename search) option returns no hits at all. Users of this
> plugin has also reported far too few hits on default searches.
> Debugging code showed correct command string and then XFNONE, 0 results
> strings returned. Simply running the same command in a console works fine,
> allbeit it sometimes with differing results than in the GUI program.
> Note that users had reported problems with permissions on multi-user
> so this may be a place to look.
It would be very helpful to have the log files for running the command in a
console and through krunner.
Please either set up recoll to log to a file, or arrange to retrieve stderr
output, and set the debug level to 6, either through the config GUI or by
editing ~/.recoll/recoll.conf:
loglevel = 6
- Run the search in a console.
- Save the log file (it will be erased at the next step)
- Run the same search from krunner.
- Save the log file.
Then please send both logs to me (jfd at recoll dot org).
More than permissions (which are there to be observed), one possible area
of concern might be wildcard character expansion by the shell: use proper
quoting when running in the console (ie: recoll -t -f 'there *re *ildcards'),
and we'll probably have to check how krunner executes the command too, but
this kind of issue should be visible in the log file anyway.
Attached are 4 log files :
* one from "recoll -t -q gazette" (155 results)
* one from recollrunner with the same query (only "default query
language" checked in recollrunner config) (3 results : only the ones
among the 155 which do not contain spaces in their pathes)
* one from recoll -t -f -q gazette" (46 results)
* one from recollrunner with the same query ("default query language
checked" and "match filenames" checked in recollrunner config) (0
I hope it will help solving this issue.
:4:../common/rclinit.cpp:106:rclinit: idxflushmb=10, set XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD to 10E6
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:593:Db::open: m_isopen 0 m_iswritable 0
:4:../rcldb/stoplist.cpp:52:StopList::StopList: file_to_string(/home/denis/.recoll/stoplist.txt) failed: open/stat: errno: 2 :
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:1525:Rcl::Db::filenameWildExp: pattern: [*gazette*]
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:1697:termMatch: initsec: [XSFN]
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:237:Query::SetQuery: Q: ((XSFNgazette OR XSFN2011-09-12 destinataires gazette 18.xls OR XSFN2011-09-12 destinataires gazette 17.xls OR XSFN2011-09-09 gazette 17.pdf OR XSFN2011-09-09 gazette 17.odt OR XSFN2011-07-08 etiquette adresses gazette.doc OR XSFN2011-06-06 gazette 16.pdf OR XSFN2011-06-06 gazette 16.odt OR XSFN2011-06-06 destinataires gazette 16.xls OR XSFN2011-05-09 gazette 15.pdf OR XSFN2011-05-09 gazette 15.odt OR XSFN2011-05-01 destinataires gazette 15.xls OR XSFN2011-04-01 gazette 14.pdf OR XSFN2011-04-01 gazette 14.odt OR XSFN2011-04-01 destinataires gazette 14.xls OR XSFN2011-03-01 gazette 13.pdf OR XSFN2011-03-01 gazette 13.odt OR XSFN2011-03-01 destinataires gazette 13.xls OR XSFN2011-02-01 gazette 12.pdf OR XSFN2011-02-01 gazette 12.odt OR XSFN2011-01-04 destinataires gazette 11.xls OR XSFN2011-01-03 gazette 11.pdf OR XSFN2011-01-03 gazette 11.odt OR XSFN2010-12-01 gazette 10.pdf OR XSFN2010-12-01 gazette 10.odt OR XSFN2010-12-01 destinataires gazette 10.xls OR XSFN2010-11-05 gazette 9.pdf OR XSFN2010-11-05 gazette 9.odt OR XSFN2010-10-15 gazette 8.pdf OR XSFN2010-10-15 gazette 8.odt OR XSFN2010-09-07 gazette 7.pdf OR XSFN2010-09-07 gazette 7.odt OR XSFN2010-07-01 gazette 6.pdf OR XSFN2010-07-01 gazette 6.odt OR XSFN2010-06-03 gazette 5.pdf OR XSFN2010-06-03 gazette 5.odt OR XSFN2010-05-13 gazette 4.pdf OR XSFN2010-05-13 gazette 4.odt OR XSFN2010-04-01 gazette 3.pdf OR XSFN2010-04-01 gazette 3.odt OR XSFN2010-03-01 gazette 2.pdf OR XSFN2010-03-01 gazette 2.odt OR XSFN2010-02-06 gazette 1.pdf OR XSFN2010-02-06 gazette 1.odt))
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:315:Query::getResCnt: 2 mS
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 44, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:355:enquire->get_mset: got empty result
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:572:Db::~Db: isopen 1 m_iswritable 0
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:687:Db::i_close(1): m_isopen 1 m_iswritable 0
:4:../common/rclinit.cpp:106:rclinit: idxflushmb=10, set XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD to 10E6
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:593:Db::open: m_isopen 0 m_iswritable 0
:4:../rcldb/stoplist.cpp:52:StopList::StopList: file_to_string(/home/denis/.recoll/stoplist.txt) failed: open/stat: errno: 2 :
:4:../query/wasatorcl.cpp:139:wasaQueryToRcl: leaf clause []:[gazette] slack 0
:4:../rcldb/searchdata.cpp:782:StringToXapianQ:: query string: [gazette]
:5:../rcldb/searchdata.cpp:803:strToXapianQ: phrase/word: [gazette]
:5:../rcldb/searchdata.cpp:835:strToXapianQ: termcount: 1
:4:../rcldb/stemdb.cpp:272:stemExpand:english: [gazette] stem-> [gazett]
:5:../rcldb/stemdb.cpp:278:stemExpand: /home/denis/.recoll/xapiandb/stem_english lastdocid: 71147
:5:../rcldb/stemdb.cpp:314:stemExpand:english: gazett -> [gazette] [gazettes] [gazett]
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:237:Query::SetQuery: Q: ((gazette:(wqf=11) OR gazettes OR gazett))
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:315:Query::getResCnt: 1 mS
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 50, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 100, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 150, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 153, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:355:enquire->get_mset: got empty result
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:572:Db::~Db: isopen 1 m_iswritable 0
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:687:Db::i_close(1): m_isopen 1 m_iswritable 0
:4:../common/rclinit.cpp:106:rclinit: idxflushmb=10, set XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD to 10E6
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:593:Db::open: m_isopen 0 m_iswritable 0
:4:../rcldb/stoplist.cpp:52:StopList::StopList: file_to_string(/home/denis/.recoll/stoplist.txt) failed: open/stat: errno: 2 :
:4:../query/wasatorcl.cpp:139:wasaQueryToRcl: leaf clause []:['gazette'] slack 0
:4:../rcldb/searchdata.cpp:782:StringToXapianQ:: query string: ['gazette']
:5:../rcldb/searchdata.cpp:803:strToXapianQ: phrase/word: ['gazette']
:5:../rcldb/searchdata.cpp:835:strToXapianQ: termcount: 1
:4:../rcldb/stemdb.cpp:272:stemExpand:english: [gazette] stem-> [gazett]
:5:../rcldb/stemdb.cpp:278:stemExpand: /home/denis/.recoll/xapiandb/stem_english lastdocid: 71147
:5:../rcldb/stemdb.cpp:314:stemExpand:english: gazett -> [gazette] [gazettes] [gazett]
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:237:Query::SetQuery: Q: ((gazette:(wqf=11) OR gazettes OR gazet:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 50, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 100, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 150, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 200, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 250, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 300, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 350, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 400, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 450, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 500, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 550, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 561, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:355:enquire->get_mset: got empty result
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:572:Db::~Db: isopen 1 m_iswritable 0
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:687:Db::i_close(1): m_isopen 1 m_iswritable 0
:4:../common/rclinit.cpp:106:rclinit: idxflushmb=10, set XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD to 10E6
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:593:Db::open: m_isopen 0 m_iswritable 0
:4:../rcldb/stoplist.cpp:52:StopList::StopList: file_to_string(/home/denis/.recoll/stoplist.txt) failed: open/stat: errno: 2 :
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:1525:Rcl::Db::filenameWildExp: pattern: [*'gazette'*]
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:1697:termMatch: initsec: [XSFN]
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:237:Query::SetQuery: Q: (XNONENoMatchingTerms)
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:315:Query::getResCnt: 0 mS
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:344:Fetching for first 0, count 50
:4:../rcldb/rclquery.cpp:355:enquire->get_mset: got empty result
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:572:Db::~Db: isopen 1 m_iswritable 0
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:687:Db::i_close(1): m_isopen 1 m_iswritable 0