found 605318 linux-2.6/2.6.32-35

Matt Pandina wrote:

> I too was experiencing horizontal lines (so bad that I could barely see the
> screen!)
> Finally I managed to see through the horizontal lines enough to go to:
> System > Preferences > Monitors
> and told it to rotate the screen upside-down. The lines were still there, but
> they stopped after I switched the rotation back to normal.

Thanks.  Mike, do you experience the same?


 - can you describe the horizontal lines more?  Are they one pixel
   tall or are they thicker?  How quickly do they flash?  Are they
   always there or only sometimes?  Do they move?  Do they cover the
   screen or only part of it?  Can you take a photo?

 - do you have firmware-linux-nonfree installed?

 - can you reproduce this with a kernel from sid or experimental?  (To
   install one to try, the only additional dependencies that should be
   needed are recent linux-base and initramfs-tools.)

 - If so, please report this upstream at, product
   DRI, component DRM/Radeon and let us know the bug number so we can
   track it.  (Don't worry about duplicating each other --- it's nicer
   to have the information for each machine separately and mark one as
   a dup if appropriate later anyway.)

 - otherwise, we can try to find the fix and backport it; if you have
   time to find the first working verison at by
   the bisection method, that would be helpful.

Sorry for the slow response, and hope that helps,

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