On Wed, 2011-09-07 at 10:38 +0200, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> We use libnss-ldapd and nslcd at our university. We extensively use
> the gecos field so far, to "encode" additional Information regarding
> the user (e.g. if it is a guest of another person, department, ...).
> In many cases thus this information exceeds 100 characters.
> If I read nslcd/passwd.c correctly, the maximal size for the gecos
> field is limited to 100 characters.
> Would it be possible to have more flexibility here, or have a bigger
> size of these fields at least?

I can grow the buffer sizes. They are mainly fixed size to reduce code
complexity. What size do you suggest?


-- arthur - adej...@debian.org - http://people.debian.org/~adejong --

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