We've been using the Debian ejabberd for some time now at work and we're
already authenticating against our Kerberos server with the
help of libpam-krb5. So no need to change anything for that.

The missing feature is the support for kerberos tickets. I will look into
the GSSAPI-patch for ejabberd as soon as I find some spare time.
I'll report back when it's working.

A little bit of googling shows that there seem to be some clients that
support Kerberos tickets (at least after some patching):


 Best regards,


Raoul Gunnar Borenius                  Phone  : +49 711 63314-206
DFN-Verein, Geschäftsstelle Stuttgart  Fax    : +49 711 63314-133
LindenspĂĽrstr.32                       E-Mail : boren...@dfn.de
D-70176 Stuttgart                      WWW    : http://www.dfn.de
--------------------- Deutsches Forschungsnetz ----------------------
--------- Germany's National Research and Education Network ---------

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