retitle 564119 ITA/ITP: yafaray -- a modern, xml-speaking raytracing-based rendering system owner 564119 ! thanks
----- Hi! I'm adopting yafray... well, adopting it even if it's a dead project and attempting to package its descendent, yafaray. Already done some work on it. At present time, it's still under heavy development but once the 0.1.2 version (that is compatible with current Blender version in unstable and testing) I'll work harder to package it fast. Already talked to Blender maintainer... we're gonna collaborate on the integration of the two packages. I really hope we could do a good job. Anyway, any help or hint would be really appreciated. mfv -- Il messaggio e' stato analizzato alla ricerca di virus o contenuti pericolosi da MailScanner, ed e' risultato non infetto. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact