Attached patch solved problem for me:
cd /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/context
patch -p0 < LyricsTab.patch

Александър, could you confirm this?
So, as you can see patch seems ugly. I really don't know why one entry != same 
entry, but their string representations are equivalent.
String representation is smth like <RhythmDBEntry at 0x3963a30>, looks like 
memory address and is unique for each entry. So, this works.
But why same plugin works in squeeze? May be this is some python problem?
$ python --version
Python 2.6.7
---	2011-08-02 02:32:38.000000000 +0700
+++ LyricsTab.py_patched	2011-08-14 17:58:22.271043529 +0700
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
         self.db.connect ('entry-extra-metadata-notify::rb:lyrics', self.lyrics_notify)
     def lyrics_notify (self, db, entry, field, metadata):
-        if entry == self.entry:
+        if entry.__str__() == self.entry.__str__():
             self.emit ('lyrics-ready', self.entry, metadata)
     def fetch_lyrics (self, entry):

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