Source: libtime-piece-mysql-perl
Version: 0.06-1
Severity: important
Usertags: perl-5.14-transition

This package cannot be built with perl 5.14, since perl 5.14 provides
and breaks libtime-piece-perl, and this package has a versioned
Build-Dep on libtime-piece-perl (>= 1.03).

The solution is to add an alternative dependency on perl 5.14:

libtime-piece-perl (>= 1.03) | perl (>= 5.14)

This package also has a run-time dependency on libtime-piece-perl
so the same change should be made there too.

Alternatively, this dependency could be dropped altogether, since
it is satisfied by perl even in oldstable. This appears to have
already been done in the version in the pkg-perl git repository.

Dominic Hargreaves |
PGP key 5178E2A5 from (keyserver,web,email)

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