Hello Julia,

On the faulty machine, can you check the architecture of the kernel and
the open-iscsi package ?
Are both 32/64 bit, or is it a combination ?


On 07/31/2011 11:58 AM, Julia Longtin wrote:
> I have attempted to reproduce the bug without success on another
> stable iscsi target / unstable iscsi initiator.
> I still have access to the machines that are failing, for comparison
> purposes.
> for starters, the output of:
>  iscsiadm -m node --targetname "iqn.2001-04.com.faikvm:storage.lun1"
> --portal "<TARGET_IP>:3260"
> on both initiator machines differs only by the IP of the target.
> yet logout and login look like:
> qemuhost:/disk1/VMs# iscsiadm -m node --targetname
> "iqn.2001-04.com.faikvm:storage.lun1" --portal "
> <>" --login
> Logging in to [iface: default, target:
> iqn.2001-04.com.faikvm:storage.lun1, portal:,3260]
> iscsiadm: Could not login to [iface: default, target:
> iqn.2001-04.com.faikvm:storage.lun1, portal:,3260]:
> iscsiadm: initiator reported error (15 - already exists)
> qemuhost:/disk1/VMs# iscsiadm -m node --targetname
> "iqn.2001-04.com.faikvm:storage.lun1" --portal "
> <>" --logout
> iscsiadm: could not read session targetname: 5
> iscsiadm: could not find session info for session1
> qemuhost:/disk1/VMs#
> on one host, with the other host performing as expected.
> I'm following a modified form of
> http://www.howtoforge.com/using-iscsi-on-debian-lenny-initiator-and-target
> , if it helps.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
Debian - The Universal Operating System

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