Thanks Amaya,

Sorry about delay the group thing did not post it.

Gnome: Version: 2.30.2; Debian; build date: 12/11/10.

gpointing-device-settings works but give fewer options than fspc.  The other 
two do not work at all, tpconfig is apparently unable to phone home, the other 
one nothing happens.  (Give more details if you want.)

Cheap Advent Quantum Q200 P.C.  i386.

The Windows 7 (loader) with which it came also gives a difficult to use touch 
pad.  So I'd better modify the bug to the suggestion that what is needed is the 
ability to turn off the touchpad when typing.

This is because touch to click is very useful (if this is not switched off with 
fspc the insertion point when typing jumps about maddenenly) so what is wanted 
is touch to click together with inactivated touchpad when typing.

Also a touchpad tab in System > preferences > mouse seems desirable.


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