package subversion
retitle 306470 subversion: consider shipping tools from contrib
merge 306470 327781
thanks dude

[Sylvain Joyeux]
> The client-side/ directory in the subversion source contains very
> useful scripts (svnmerge for instance). Could you include them in the
> subversion package ?

There's a bunch of stuff in there, and it's not clear to me how much of
it is useful and how much is unsupportably buggy or useless.  As one
simple example, at least one or two of the scripts in there have
security holes related to temporary files.  Debian users have come to
expect a certain quality of implementation and I hate to ship something
that isn't going to measure up.

There's also the issue that once you start shipping some binary, if you
ever change your mind, it's hard to stop shipping it because some user
somewhere will be depending on it.

Perhaps the best solution is to ship a new package subversion-extras or
subversion-tools-extra or something, and make it clear in the
description that the contents of this package are unsupported upstream
and thus it's hard to guarantee quality.

> This is an extension to #306470. I did not know if it was better to
> file a new bug or to send a comment to that one.

I consider it the same request.  But no harm done, I'm merging the


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