
2011/7/20 Georges Khaznadar <georges.khazna...@free.fr>:
> Dear Nobuhiro Iwamatsu,
> I could not create an experimental chroot with pbuilder to test a
> complete build of auto-multiple-choice in that environment.
> I installed cv2.3, which can be done without uninstalling cv2.1, and
> built the patched version of auto-multiple-choice in my current
> environment, which is not the same as an "experimental" chroot. I
> uploaded the package to experimental.
> If you can share with me a recipe to create an experimental chroot with
> pbuilder, please do it. Also, send me a reminder when cv2.3 will enter
> unstable, so I can do the same with auto-multiple-choice.

OK. This problem is solved by using -- basepath of pbuilder
It is an example as follows that uses cowbuilder.

1. Create base image with --basepath option.
  sudo cowbuilder --create --debootstrap cdebootstrap  --basepath
  # currentry debootstrap broken. please see #631087

2. login base image  and add experimental apt-line.
  sudo cowbuilder --login --save-after-login --basepath
  cat "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ experimental  main" >>

3. update base image.
  sudo cowbuilder --update --basepath /var/cache/pbuilder/base.cow.opencv.exp

4. Add PDEBUILD_PBUILDER=cowbuilder to ~/.pbuilderrc.
   cat ~/.pbuilderrc

5. Build package with --basepath option.
   pdebuild -- --basepath /var/cache/pbuilder/base.cow.exp

> By the way, which is the roadmap for cv2.3? I am developing another
> package which depends on it, by python bindings (pymecavideo): are
> python bindings already mature for cv2.3?

Especially, there seems to be no problem.
If you find bug , please report to Debian BTS.

Best regards,

Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
   iwamatsu at {nigauri.org / debian.org}
   GPG ID: 40AD1FA6

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