
Sorry for the late reply.

    > Arnaud,  I  think libxcb-atom1-dev  would  be  better replaced  by
    > libxcb-util0-dev,  which   completely  replaces  libxcb-atom1-dev,
    > instead of libxcb1-dev

No, because the only reason why pulseaudio was depending on libxcb-atom1
was   xcb_atom_get()   which   has   been   removed   since   then,   so
xcb_intern_atom*()  (from libxcb1)  should be  used  instead. Therefore,
there is  no need to  Build-Depends on libxcb-util0-dev,  libxcb1-dev is
enough (if you look carefully  at the patch I provided, configure.ac has
been updated and *only* depends upon xcb >= 1.6).

    > Anyway, is  there any news  on the NMU?  Please note that  the bug
    > makes  many of  the binary  packages  built from  this version  of
    > pulseaudio, uninstallable, as reported by #629394.

As the package  is currently in experimental, it was  not a priority for
me, sorry... Daniel:  do you want me to upload  the version currently in
Debian git?

Arnaud Fontaine

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