severity 626390 minor

On 2011-05-11 16:35:58 +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> I get the following error with svnsync (on 2 different machines):
> $ svnsync sync file://$PWD/svn-mpfr
> svnsync: Revprop change blocked by pre-revprop-change hook (exit code 1) with 
> output:
> Only the svnsync user can change revprops
> There was no such problem with subversion 1.6.16dfsg-1.

It seems that the cause was that I had removed the .subversion/auth
directory (for testing related to some server). I thought that it was
only related to authentication! And according to .subversion/config,
this is supposed to be a cache only. So, the behavior is incorrect
w.r.t. the documentation.

Something should be done about this, e.g. by having more information
in ~/.subversion/README.txt and .subversion/config (created by svn).

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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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