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On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 09:23:13AM +0000, desktopdave wrote:
> I have set cron.daily in root crontab to run at 04:20 and get the
> following error by internal mail:

Do you mean you have edited /etc/crontab or you have added new cron entries
for root?

> logrotate_script: 2: invoke-rc.d: not found
> error: error running non-shared postrotate script for
> /var/log/syslog of '/var/log/syslog
> '

This error messages really look like an error in the setting of the PATH
environment variable for the cron daemon. The files that cron complains about
all refer to binaries in /usr/sbin and /sbin

To diagnose this, could you please send (either privately to me or to the bug
report) the contents of your /etc/cron.daily/  as well as /etc/crontab,
/etc/default/cron, /etc/environment and /etc/security/pam_env.conf.

Thank you.



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