Hi Dave/Daniel,

On Fri, 2011-03-11 at 19:01 -0500, Dave Witbrodt wrote:
> > (http://www.seanius.net/blog/2011/03/compiz-updates) and later tonight
> > or tomorrow I'm going to give your packages in experimental a try.
> OK, I'm having to bail out on my experiments.  Running 'compiz 
> --replace' succeeded in displacing my window manager with compiz, but I 
> could not get gtk-window-decorator to work.  There's an open bug on it 
> already:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=617763

In this bug (included as cc), you have a mixture of 0.8.x versions of
compiz with the 0.9.x versions from experimental.  please try (assuming
you still have experimental in your sources.list) doing an apt-get -t
experimental install compiz, and see if you're still having problems
after that.

> I made a quick attempt to grab the latest 'emerald' source code from 
> Ubuntu, but it would not compile.  I admit being tempted to grab the 
> entire source set of compiz + emerald from Ubuntu, but I have too many 
> other pressing matters needing attention, so I'll have to try again in a 
> month or two.

To my knowledge emerald doesn't work with 0.9.x, though I haven't tried.
Your best chance would be to install all of the compiz development
related packages (libdecoration0-dev, compiz-dev, etc), and then grab
the emerald sources from git.compiz.org.


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