Hi KiBi,

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 05:07:10PM +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Stephen Kitt <st...@sk2.org> (16/02/2011):
> > Actually that should be libgl1-mesa-dri, not libdrm2-radeon...
> does downgrading to libgl1-mesa-dri 7.10-2 fix your issue? You can
> find it here:
>   http://snapshot.debian.org/package/mesa/7.10-2/
> (Ideally, checking with an up-to-date sid stack — except
> libgl1-mesa-dri — would be nice.)

I upgrade all of X and its dependencies to the versions currently in
unstable, and downgraded libgl1-mesa-dri, with no change. I had also
rebuilt libgl1-mesa-dri without Gallium (to work around #613596) but
that doesn't work either.

Investigating further, it turns out that X actually starts if it's
started on its own (rather than via gnome-session). Starting xterm
etc. works OK, it's after gnome-session starts that everything blows
up. I started X under gdb and got the following backtrace when it
segfaulted after gnome-session started:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xb7d4390c in _int_free (av=<value optimized out>, p=0x861c730) at malloc.c:4957
4957    malloc.c: No such file or directory.
        in malloc.c
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb7d4390c in _int_free (av=<value optimized out>, p=0x861c730) at 
#1  0xb7d46bbd in __libc_free (mem=0x861c738) at malloc.c:3739
#2  0x0808cc24 in RegionDestroy (pReg=0x861c738) at ../../dix/region.c:256
#3  0xb7a45f58 in exaHWCopyNtoN (pSrcDrawable=0x861b040, 
pDstDrawable=0x861cd20, pGC=0x0, pbox=0xbfffd74c, nbox=1, dx=-16, dy=0,
    reverse=0, upsidedown=0) at ../../exa/exa_accel.c:555
#4  0xb7a4b371 in exaComposite (op=1 '\001', pSrc=0x861b0d0, pMask=0x0, 
pDst=0x861cdb0, xSrc=<value optimized out>,
    ySrc=<value optimized out>, xMask=0, yMask=0, xDst=16, yDst=0, width=6, 
height=9) at ../../exa/exa_render.c:955
#5  0x0811e11d in damageComposite (op=1 '\001', pSrc=0x861b0d0, pMask=0x0, 
pDst=0x861cdb0, xSrc=<value optimized out>,
    ySrc=<value optimized out>, xMask=<value optimized out>, yMask=<value 
optimized out>, xDst=<value optimized out>,
    yDst=<value optimized out>, width=<value optimized out>, height=<value 
optimized out>) at ../../../miext/damage/damage.c:640
#6  0x0810f3c0 in CompositePicture (op=1 '\001', pSrc=0x861b0d0, pMask=0x0, 
pDst=0x861cdb0, xSrc=0, ySrc=0, xMask=<value optimized out>,
    yMask=<value optimized out>, xDst=<value optimized out>, yDst=<value 
optimized out>, width=6, height=9)
    at ../../render/picture.c:1710
#7  0xb7a471b4 in exaGlyphCacheUploadGlyph (pScreen=<value optimized out>, 
buffer=<value optimized out>, pGlyph=0x861ae00, pSrc=0x0,
    pDst=0x861cab0, xSrc=0, ySrc=0, xDst=7, yDst=1, yMask=<value optimized 
out>, xMask=<value optimized out>)
    at ../../exa/exa_glyphs.c:410
#8  exaGlyphCacheBufferGlyph (pScreen=<value optimized out>, buffer=<value 
optimized out>, pGlyph=0x861ae00, pSrc=0x0, pDst=0x861cab0,
    xSrc=0, ySrc=0, xDst=7, yDst=1, yMask=<value optimized out>, xMask=<value 
optimized out>) at ../../exa/exa_glyphs.c:506
#9  exaBufferGlyph (pScreen=<value optimized out>, buffer=<value optimized 
out>, pGlyph=0x861ae00, pSrc=0x0, pDst=0x861cab0, xSrc=0,
    ySrc=0, xDst=7, yDst=1, yMask=<value optimized out>, xMask=<value optimized 
out>) at ../../exa/exa_glyphs.c:575
#10 0xb7a47c02 in exaGlyphs (op=3 '\003', pSrc=0x861a598, pDst=0x861a608, 
maskFormat=0x8226d90, xSrc=22, ySrc=14, nlist=1,
    list=0xbffff3e0, glyphs=0xbfffefe8) at ../../exa/exa_glyphs.c:811
#11 0x0811e36d in damageGlyphs (op=1 '\001', pSrc=0x861a598, pDst=0x861a608, 
maskFormat=0x8226d90, xSrc=<value optimized out>,
    ySrc=<value optimized out>, nlist=1, list=0xbffff3e0, glyphs=0xbfffefe0) at 
#12 0x08111e90 in CompositeGlyphs (op=0 '\000', pSrc=0x861a598, pDst=0x861a608, 
maskFormat=0x8226d90, xSrc=<value optimized out>,
    ySrc=<value optimized out>, nlist=1, lists=0xbffff3e0, glyphs=0xbfffefe0) 
at ../../render/glyph.c:604
#13 0x08117ce3 in ProcRenderCompositeGlyphs (client=0x85c1d30) at 
#14 0x08113b03 in ProcRenderDispatch (client=0x1) at ../../render/render.c:2051
#15 0x08073fb7 in Dispatch () at ../../dix/dispatch.c:432
#16 0x0806663a in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff874, envp=0xbffff87c) at 

Is that any use to you? Should I take the bug upstream?



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