Hi Rainer!

Am 21.02.2011 09:15, schrieb Rainer Gerhards:
> I just fixed this issue, it was a regression of the recent changes to
> imuxsock as I thought.
> Fixed with commit 
> http://git.adiscon.com/?p=rsyslog.git;a=commitdiff;=026f59388a105597c3c6890bb
> 0c83652cb712903

I cherry-picked 026f59388a105597c3c6890bb0c83652cb712903  but now I get:

# logger foobar
# tail -n1 -f /var/log/messages
Feb 21 10:13:55 pluto michael: fooba

Note the missing 'r'

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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