On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 02:27:23PM +0100, Julian Andres Klode wrote:
> I don't configure anything. I tell cdebootstrap to create a build chroot
> and sbuild to build a package. But this clearly fixes it.
> I never had such a problem last year, since then I upgraded schroot and
> sbuild and recreated my chroot using cdebootstrap -f build. As far as I
> know, sbuild should set noninteractive automatically, and I would think
> that creating a build chroot would set the frontend to noninteractive
> automatically.
> I am reassigning this to sbuild and cdebootstrap to get some more
> comments and lowering the severity to normal.

Hi Julian,

sbuild /should/ be setting this to noninteractive by default.
Every instance of an apt-get or aptitude invocation in the
dependency resolver code sets
        ENV => {'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' => 'noninteractive'},
when we run the command, and /all/ use of apt/aptitude must
go via the resolver module.

Which dependency resolver are you using?  IIRC there was an
issue with one of them, possibly aptitude, not being run
noninteractively a month or so back.  I'm going to release
a new version soon, and if it wasn't fixed in unstable already,
this should fix it.  Please could you try a build with

SHA256 229f3ed783e103891ac777d13e700d54891d060731b0a427376c0969fae80938  

and let me know if it works for you, or still fails?
(It will need a quick dpkg-buildpackage to build.)


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
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