Package: awstats Version: 6.9~dfsg-1 Severity: normal Hi, I use the ubuntu 9.10 distribution, which looking at the debian package's changelog should correspond to 6.9~dfsg-1 sources and faced the same problem.
The workaround I have deviced to provide access to apache2 logs without running awstats as root, nor making the logs accessible to everyone is to: 1. Use a special user for the cron job that has the right to read the logs (ie belongs to the adm group). I was reluctant to create a new user myself, in fear of having a possible future conflict if I installed a package, so I chose `logcheck' which was already there; but the principle is the same for a brand new one also (to avoid a dependency). 2. Change ownership and permissions of awstats datadir (/var/lib/awstats in my case) to: user: logcheck group: www-data perms: rwxr-s--- That way any log analyses created by the special cron job user (logcheck in my case) are available to cgi script for reading. I also changed the cron job, to allow it work both with the recommended by upstream authors way of managing multiple virtual hosts (create an awstats.virtualhostname.conf file) and the previous assumption that awstats.conf itself is customised. The modified `/etc/cron.d/awstats' script (the interesting part is the command) is included below: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * logcheck [ -x /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ -a -d /etc/awstats -a -r /var/log/apache2/access.log ] && ( umask 022 ; ls /etc/awstats/awstats*.conf | sed -e 's_/etc/awstats/__' -e 's/.conf $//' -e 's_^\(awstats\.\)\(.*\)$_\2_' | xargs -I '@' --max-args=1 --no-run-if-empty /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ -config=@ -update >/dev/null ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The later does not directly associate with the log access problem, but it is IMHO a nice default to have. I hope the above will be useful. regards George Zarkadas -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact