That's pretty cool. Thank you Yaroslav!
I will give it a try soon.


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 7:44 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko
<> wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Feb 2011, Kapil Arya wrote:
>> Okay, so I have fixed this one as well. Here is the link to the latest
>> .dsc file:
> ok -- I will have a look
>>    Can you tell me how to setup this environment having 32-build
>> system over 32/64 bit capable kernel so that I can do some testing in
>> that environment without wasting your time :-)?
> quite easy actually.
> look at the call to cowbuilder (at the end of the script) in the scripts
> we are using for managing our builds for NeuroDebian:
> you might call it manually or actually simply use our nd_ scripts to
> manage and build across any number of distributions.  May be you would
> not want to deal with nd+ family of distributions which would include
> also our repository into apt sources
> so it should be as easy as
>  nd_adddist  debian sid
> if you are to use our scripts (you might want to adjust
> /etc/neurodebian/ to point to the location you like to have cow
> chroots).
> having created all cows for all "interesting" ones listed in allnddist,
> building backports for ALL "interesting" debian and ubuntu releases as easy as
> sudo nd_build4allnd blah-xyz.dsc
> ;-)
> alternatively you could simply call cowbuilder --build ... for every 
> distribution
>  could provide more information
> --
> =------------------------------------------------------------------=
> Keep in touch                           
> Yaroslav Halchenko       

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