
I’m the maintainer of the Dynare package and also upstream developer.

Your matlab-support package looks promising. When it is accepted, I will
apply your patch (correcting for the name change to "matlab-support"),
and if this works fine I will upload a new dynare-matlab package.

Note that you did not rename the git repository on Alioth to
matlab-support, but you changed it in the control file of the package
you uploaded. Also the git repository does not include the renaming.

In the next upstream release of Dynare (to happen in a few weeks), the
MEX files will be built using a dedicated autoconf/automake architecture
(instead of running a MATLAB script calling the "mex" command). Do you
think this new build system will be compatible with your package ? The
configure script will need the path to the MATLAB installation
directory, and also the MATLAB version (such as "R2010b") because it
cannot autodetect it.


Sébastien Villemot
CEPREMAP - Paris School of Economics
Homepage: http://www.dynare.org/sebastien
Phone: +33 1 40 77 49 90
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