usertag 609537 squeeze-can-defer
tag 609537 squeeze-ignore

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 14:09:58 +0100, Marko Randjelovic wrote:

> Package: mysql-server-5.1
> Version: 5.1.49-3
> Severity: serious
> Tags: squeeze
> >From Debian Policy Manual:
> "The init.d scripts must ensure that they will behave sensibly (i.e.,
> returning success and not starting multiple copies of a service) if
> invoked with start when the service is already running, or with stop
> when it isn't, and that they don't kill unfortunately-named user
> processes. The best way to achieve this is usually to use
> start-stop-daemon with the --oknodo option."
> It is possible to get into state when there is mysqld_safe process
> remained, though main mysqld process is stopped and pid file deleted. In
> such cases, /etc/init.d/mysql procedure "mysqld_status check_dead warn"
> will return true and script will do nothing, returning with success. But
> as cited from policy manual, it should fail, since there are remaining
> mysqld processes.
> One way to get into this situation is to start, then stop server from
> mysqld-admin, which I intend to report as a separate bug on mysqld-admin.
I'm not sure this part of policy applies when the service was started by
a completely separate means which removes pid files without killing
processes (I haven't checked what mysqld-admin does).  So I don't know
if there's a bug here, but in any case it's not a release blocker,
tagging accordingly.


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