On Mon, 2011-01-03 at 09:59 +0100, Rik Theys wrote:
> Hi,
> On 12/22/2010 10:34 AM, Ian Campbell wrote:
> > I was wondering about clamping something in the kernel to correspond to
> > CONFIG_XEN_MAX_DOMAIN_MEMORY and avoid the issue but you say the crash
> > is after "x VCPUS" and before "Scrubbing Free RAM" so I'm surprised the
> > dom0 kernel has run at this point and hence changing it would not help.
> > The hypervisor doesn't know about this guest configuration item so there
> > isn't much which can be done there.
> >
> > To try and confirm what is going on is there any chance you could you
> > collect a serial console log with verbose debugging enabled by using the
> > command line parameters described in "Are there more debugging options I
> > could enable to troubleshoot booting problems?" of
> > http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenParavirtOps (without the
> > recommended dom0_mem).
> The console log is attached.


Did you use earlyprintk=xen on the kernel command line as well as the
loglvl=all stuff on the hypervisor command line?

Now I think of it can you also collect a similar log with the dom0_mem
workaround in place, for comparisons sake.

> > Assuming that shows that the domain 0 kernel did actually get a chance
> > to run and crash I'll take a look at what else needs to be clamped to
> > have it just work.
>  From what I can see in the log, the dom0 kernel doesn't seem to get 
> started.

It does rather look that way.

If you press Ctrl-A three times on the hypervisor serial console then
you might be able to inject some hypervisor debug keys. Such as 'q'
which should dump a dump of interesting state about dom0. '0' and 'd'
might also print something of interest. Press 'h' for a list of
available keys.


Ian Campbell
Current Noise: The Hidden Hand - Magdalene

Never get into fights with ugly people because they have nothing to lose.

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