Package: daemonlogger
Version: 1.2.1-5  
Priority: minor
Tags: patch  upstream

The README file of daemonlogger, as well as the Packages' description
claim that the rollover size for package captures is 1 GB but, actually,
the source code denies this:

   1386     signal(SIGTERM, quitter);    if(errno!=0) errno=0;
   1387     signal(SIGINT, quitter);     if(errno!=0) errno=0;
   1388     signal(SIGQUIT, quitter);    if(errno!=0) errno=0;
   1389     signal(SIGHUP, restarter);   if(errno!=0) errno=0;
   1390     signal(SIGALRM, dl_shutdown);  if(errno!=0) errno=0;
   1392     rollsize = 2*GIGABYTE;

As you can see, rollsize is set 2GB. It is only set to 1GB when an 
incorrect rollsize is defined.

To fix these inconsistencies, please find the attached patch (some of its
contents have already been submitted upstream).

The patch:

 - makes the information in debian/control a lit vague since rollover size
   can be adjusted by the command line options
 - introduces a patch to fix the inconsistency in the source
 - modifies the README file to indicate that the rollover size is 2 GB

Hopefully you will find this patch useful. If so, please include it in your next
package upload.



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